Middle-aged widow Rosa lives a quiet life dominated by the ghosts of her long ago marriage. As she makes a new life for herself, jarring revelations force her to face facts about her past and who she is today.
Amidst a suburban existence, a woman struggles with the ghosts of her troubled marriage in this quiet but emotional and full-bodied indie. Rosa is a middle-aged widow living on her own with her beloved dog Coquita but still in thrall to her former life. The story starts quietly, in an unassuming way that mirrors Rosa herself—except there is turbulence deep below the surface. Her incarcerated son Sergio refuses her visits, while her daughter-in-law Alejandra won’t see her or allow her near her grandson Sebas. Rosa’s life receives an unexpected spark when a friend introduces her to the world of tango, igniting a passion she shares with recent acquaintance Juan. Along the way, there are fissures that hint at truths Rosa has buried deep. And as so often with life, things flip. Rosa receives jarring revelations about the people around her but, ultimately, the biggest surprise is what she learns about herself.
En medio de una vida suburbana, una mujer enfrenta los fantasmas de un matrimonio problemático en esta sutil pero profunda película independiente cargada de significado emocional. Rosa es una viuda de mediana edad que vive sola con su amada perra Coquita, pero todavía es esclava de su vida anterior. La historia comienza de una manera modesta, como la propia Rosa, pero hay turbulencias muy por debajo de la superficie. Sergio, su hijo encarcelado, rechaza sus visitas, y su nuera, Alejandra, no la ve ni le permite acercarse a su nieto Sebas. La vida de Rosa cambia inesperadamente cuando una amiga la introduce al mundo del tango, encendiendo una pasión que comparte con un recién conocido, Juan. Con el tiempo, se hace evidente que hay verdades que Rosa ha enterrado profundamente. Y, como tantas veces ocurre en la vida, todo cambia. Rosa hace un descubrimiento estremecedor sobre las personas que la rodean, pero, en última instancia, la mayor sorpresa es lo que aprende sobre sí misma.
Expected In Person Guest
Thursday October 10, 2024 7:00pm - 8:46pm PDT